// LED series resistor functions // copyright Simon Carter 2001-2008 // Please contact me via www.electronics2000.co.uk if you wish to use these // and ensure this header block remains intact //Array of common LED forward voltages var commonvf = new Array() commonvf[0] = 2 //standard commonvf[1] = 2 //low current commonvf[2] = 2 //high brightness commonvf[3] = 1.8 //super bright commonvf[4] = 1.8 //ultra bright commonvf[5] = 3.3 //standard blue //Array of common LED forward currents var commonif = new Array() commonif[0] = 20 //standard commonif[1] = 2 //low current commonif[2] = 30 //high brightness commonif[3] = 30 //super bright commonif[4] = 30 //ultra bright commonif[5] = 30 //standard blue function calculatecommon (obj) { HideTip("tipbox_1"); if ((obj.supply_1.value == "") || (obj.supply_1.value == "-")) {SetText("res_1", "?"); SetText("prefres_1", "?");} else{ with (Math) { vin=abs(eval(obj.supply_1.value)); v=commonvf[obj.ledtype_1.selectedIndex]; i=calculatemult2(1,commonif[obj.ledtype_1.selectedIndex]); } if(vin<=v){ ShowErrorTip("tipbox_1", "supply_1", "Supply voltage must be greater than LED forward voltage (" + v + " Volts)!"); SetText("res_1", "?"); SetText("prefres_1", "?"); } else{ r = (vin-v)/i; prefr = format((GetPrefRes(r, getCheckedValue(obj.prefseries)))); r = format(r); SetText("res_1", r + " Ohms"); SetText("prefres_1", prefr + " Ohms"); } } } function calculateled (obj) { HideTip("tipbox_2"); if((obj.supply_2.value=="") || (obj.ledVf_2.value=="") || (obj.ledIf_2.value=="") || (obj.supply_2.value=="-") || (obj.ledVf_2.value=="-") || (obj.ledIf_2.value=="-")) {SetText("res_2", "?"); SetText("prefres_2", "?");} else{ with (Math) { vin=abs(eval(obj.supply_2.value)); v=abs(eval(obj.ledV2_2.value)); i=calculatemult2(1,eval(obj.ledIf_2.value)); } if(vin<=v){ ShowErrorTip("tipbox_2", "supply_2", "Supply voltage must be greater than LED forward voltage (" + v + " Volts)!"); SetText("res_2", "?"); SetText("prefres_2", "?"); } else{ r=(vin-v)/i; prefr = format((GetPrefRes(r, getCheckedValue(obj.prefseries)))); r=format(r); SetText("res_2", r + " Ohms"); SetText("prefres_2", prefr + " Ohms"); } } }