I don't know the real name for this antenna,
but it is two BiQuads end on end. It also seems to be an extremely forgiving
design. I made quite a mess of the construction and I'm getting 12dBi gain. I
did think I was getting none, but discovered that the antenna is horizontally
polarized when held vertically.
Misc Notes
I used 3.2mm (1/8") Mang-Bronze welding rods. These are really hard to
bend and the diamonds are quite small so made several smaller sections and
soldered them together.
I put a bit of tape around the cross over point where the outer diamonds
meet the inner ones.
I used a small piece of 2mm copper wire to bridge the gap.
The N-Socket is bolted to the back plate (cut from an old copper water
tank) with nylon screws.
The antenna is held off of the back plate (1/8 wavelength) by 2mm diameter
copper wire (the original plan had coax).
From the front.
From the Back
Активните елементи се разполагат хоризонтално за приемане на вертикална поляризация.